Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mia's 12 month photos!

We've managed to take photos of Mia on the 15th of every month for a whole year now. I'm impressed that we've managed it. Wonder how much longer we'll keep it up for!
Here's some of this months photos.

Mia is 1!

Wow we made it to a year! It feels pretty amazing.
She went off to nursery in the morning and I went to work. Del picked her up and I finished work early and met up with them.
We had a lovely picnic on the common.

We then headed to the aquarium which was really busy due to it being Easter holidays. Mia didn't mind though.

Then we headed round to Jane and India's and then Sadie and Erica came round and all the girls had a good play together.

We had a lovely birthday tea and Mia enjoyed the birthday banana cake that I made her and Del decorated.
Thank you everyone for all her presents.

Is it me or Mia?!

Whilst staying at my parents Del asked to look at some baby photos of me. He found some of me when I was just over 1 and was shocked by how much it looked like Mia. Here are the photos so you can see if you think we look alike!

A visit to BDub

We went to Bishop Wilton for Easter weekend. We had a wonderful time and Mia really enjoyed walking round the garden, swinging in her new swing, looking at the sheep and lambs down the back lane and all the lovely attention she got.
The journeys were quite long (7 hours on the way up and 6 on the way back) and Mia was sick at the start of both journeys. We're hoping this isn't the start of car sickness but just a one (two!) off!
You can see her new shoes in these photos, they're called Tot Socks and look pretty cool if you ask me!

This is a photomerge that my dad did. First he took a photo everyone except him and then mum took one and he merged them both together. It's worked pretty well hasn't it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday West Wittering Wandering

To celebrate my last wednesday not being at work we decided to go to West Wittering with Mia. We love the beach there and haven't been for ages and wanted to make the most of the nice weather.
We were trying out the backpack carrier which Mia liked to begin with. She then wanted to get down and walk (see video on post below) and also enjoyed sitting in the damp sand and picking up shells. Mia didn't enjoy the walk back to the car too much, perhaps because it was really windy. But once we were back at the car and she was eating some muffin she was happy again!
From now on wednesdays will be daddy days!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A visit from Nana

Mia's Nana (Del's mum) visited at the weekend. It was the first time we had seen her since November so she saw lots of changes in Mia. And we had a mini christmas and swapped presents (a tad late), which was lots of fun. Mia seems to be getting more into the swing of opening presents now.

On Sunday Mia's Granddad and Grandma (Del's dad and step mum) dropped in at the same time as Jimmy and Anna so we took a couple of group photos. I'm impressed that everyone is looking at the camera, not often that that happens in a group photo!

First Steps

On sunday Mia took her first unaided steps. She walked 2 or 3 steps from Del to me a couple of times which was very exciting. I was pleased that both Del and I were there to witness it. She hasn't done it since though but I'm sure she will, she walks round holding onto one of my hands quite casually now. I haven't got any photographic evidence of it yet but I'm working on it!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My big girl is going to nursery

Mia started nursery this week, what a big girl. She goes 2 and a half days a week. She had a really good day on Monday (see report below), but on Tuesday she woke up with a cold and so wasn't so happy. And this morning she wasn't happy when I left her but apparently she calmed down pretty quickly. Wednesday is daddy day, which means that Del picks her up and they get to do fun things together, today they went to the aquarium.
I'm not back at work until mid april so I've got a couple of weeks where Mia is at nursery and I'm not at work which is rather nice. Today I got my hair cut and coloured which was a real treat. On the other days though I've found it hard to relax and have found myself doing lots around the house, tidying, baking etc.
The report from Mia's first day is below. We get reports like this everyday. It's nice to see them and to find out what she's been doing all day and they are good at being positive in them. Grandpa reckons they'll be good to keep, I wonder if the novelty will wear off after a few weeks/months!